Please click here for information on our return policy.
Please click here for information on returns.
Orders that have been packed and shipped cannot be cancelled; if you wish to return an item please use the contact form to reach our eCare team or call us at 1-877-7OKTire (1-877-765-8473).
Once we have received and processed your return, you will receive an email to inform you that the refund has been processed on your credit card. Please allow 15 business days for the refund to be processed.
Customer will be responsible for shipping charges in some cases. Return shipping costs will be based on circumstances; OK Tire reserves the right to charge for return shipping. Customers requiring a return are asked to use the contact form or call our eCare team at 1-877-7OKTire (1-877-765-8473) and speak with one of our team members. Please click here for information on returns.
Please click here for information on returns.